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  • FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Gather Natural up and running?

Gather Natural is in the beginning stages of rolling out our programs. We are currently hosting events in Michigan and starting the process of launching Local Chapters. Due to the overwhelming levels of interest and community support we are trying to get our full set of programs up and running as quickly as possible while navigating all the challenges a new organization can face. 

Is there any cost or membership to participate with Gather Natural Community?

At this time there is no cost to participate in our local chapter program. Events may have ticket prices that will be clearly listed. 

What is a Local Chapter?

Local Chapters are the backbone of our community outreach and the primary way we support each other.  A Local Chapter is a small group of mothers in a geographic area hosted by a Local Chapter Leader. The purpose of these groups is to create and nurture community by reviving “the village”. Too many mothers struggle with a lack of nurturing support and feel disconnected. By gathering in-person, Local Chapters will cultivate lifelong friendships with shared values while providing critical collaborative support, directly benefiting all those involved.

What can you expect from your Local Chapter?

Local Chapters are expected to provide monthly (at minimum) in-person gatherings, collaborative childcare, collaborative home help, postpartum meal trains, nesting parties, resource, sharing.

What is the role of a Local Chapter Leader?

Being a Local Chapter Leader is a meaningful way for you to help revive “the village” by hosting local moms and their children at your home or another appropriate location. A group can have multiple co-host local chapter leaders. Our team will help you to organize and facilitate regular events and provide you with tools to help connect you with additional members. Local Chapter Leaders host monthly (at minimum) in-person gatherings, organize collaborative childcare, collaborative home help, postpartum meal trains, nesting parties, and resource sharing in your group.

What are Community, District, and Regional Chapter Leaders?

Gather Natural has hierarchy of leadership so that no one person has too much responsibility and undue stress. Community, District, and Regional Chapter Leaders will exist in areas based on the number of local chapters or active participants. Their primary function is to organize events and educational workshops as well as assist Local Chapters Leaders in placing new participants.

I have an existing mom group; how do we collaborate with Gather Natural?

Gather Natural can serve as a structural overlay to any existing organization or group. For example, you run a group for value aligned local moms that schedules events or meetups throughout the month. This could be a church group, book club, online community, etc. An organizer could choose to participate at leadership level (Community, District, or Regional Chapter Leader) within Gather Natural depending on how many members you have. These leadership levels have minimum expectations and defined roles. You and your members could then choose to participate in sponsored Gather Natural events, have access to Gather Natural resources, and expanded community outreach. Gather Natural does not take over your group or gives you any restrictions on how you function so long as you and your members adhere to our core values while participating in official functions. Your members could also choose to form Local Chapters under the Gather Natural umbrella by signing up on our website. Additionally, Gather Natural can also just be a separate organization that you and your members participate in as we serve your community.