Our Mission

Mission Statement

Gather Natural Community, Inc. exists to create and support local groups of natural minded women during their childbearing years. We provide opportunities to connect, interact, and learn from each other while emphasizing in-person community participation in post partum support and beyond.

Gather Natural Community Goals

2024 – Year 1
  • Fundraise: 50k
  • 25 fully funded Local Chapters
  • 1 workshop per month
  • Season 1 podcast
2024 – Year 1
2027 – Year 3
  • Fundraise: 250k
  • 100 fully funded Local Chapters
  • 2-4 workshops per month
  • Official Gather Natural space
  • Published postpartum cookbook
2027 – Year 3
2029 – Year 5
  • Fundraise: 1M
  • 250 fully funded Local Chapters
  • 10 workshops per month
  • Gather Natural Community House
  • Multi-location Official Gather Natural spaces 
2029 – Year 5