Why Organic Food is a Healthier Choice

Eating organic food is less about what you are eating, and more about what you are not being contaminated by. You are what you eat!
13 Minute Read Time
Why Organic Food is a Healthier Choice

What does “Organic” really mean?

Eating organic generally means consuming food that has been grown and produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), antibiotics, or hormones. Organic farming practices prioritize the use of natural fertilizers and pest control methods, and the well-being of animals and the environment. In many cases, organic foods are also minimally processed and free from artificial additives and preservatives. Certification processes vary by country, but in general, foods labeled as “organic” have met certain standards and regulations.

In the United States, food can be labeled as “organic” if it meets the standards set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA organic standards require that:

  • Organic crops are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • Organic livestock are raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behavior, without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones.
  • Organic producers use methods that promote ecological balance and biodiversity.
  • Organic food handlers and processors must ensure that organic ingredients are not mixed with non-organic ingredients during processing.
  • Organic farms and facilities undergo annual inspections to ensure compliance with the USDA organic standards.
  • Any product labeled as “organic” must contain at least 95% organic ingredients.
  • Foods labeled “100% organic” must contain only organic ingredients.
  • Products labeled as “made with organic ingredients” must contain at least 70% organic ingredients.

The USDA organic standards apply to all types of organic agricultural products, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, dairy, and processed foods. By meeting these standards, organic food is produced using practices that are more sustainable and often more environmentally friendly than conventional food production. Additionally, organic food is free from many of the synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and other additives commonly used in conventional food production.

Exploring the Rising Popularity in Organic Food

The popularity of organic food has increased in recent years as more people have become interested in the environmental and health benefits of organic farming practices. According to a report by the Organic Trade Association, organic food sales in the United States reached $56.4 billion in 2020, up 12.4% from the previous year. This growth can be attributed to various factors, including increased awareness of the potential health risks associated with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, concerns about animal welfare, and a desire to support sustainable farming practices. Additionally, many consumers perceive organic products as being fresher and of higher nutritious quality than conventionally grown food. As a result, more people are seeking out organic options in grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and restaurants.

Benefits of eating Organic

Organic farming practices are better for the environment

Organic farming practices are generally considered to be better for the environment than conventional farming practices. Here are some ways in which organic farming can benefit the environment:

Soil health: Renewable organic farming practices prioritize the use of natural fertilizers such as compost and animal manure, which can help to improve soil quality and reduce erosion. Additionally, organic farming methods often involve crop rotation, which can help to maintain soil health and reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases.

Biodiversity: Organic farming practices can help to promote biodiversity by providing habitat for a variety of plant and animal species. For example, organic farms often have hedgerows, field borders, and cover crops that provide food and shelter for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.

Water quality: Organic farming practices can help to improve water quality by reducing the amount of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that leach into groundwater and surface water. Organic farms may also use conservation tillage practices, which can help to reduce erosion and runoff preserving vital natural resources.

Climate change: Organic farming practices can help to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting carbon sequestration. For example, organic farms may use conservation tillage practices that reduce the need for fossil fuel-based machinery and can help to sequester carbon in the soil.

Reduced chemical exposure: Organic farming practices can help to reduce exposure to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can have negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Overall, by promoting soil health, biodiversity, water quality, and climate change mitigation, organic farming practices can help to support a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system.

Organic food is often fresher and tastes better

Organic food is often praised for its superior taste and freshness compared to conventionally grown food. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, organic food is often produced and sold locally, which means it doesn’t have to travel long distances to reach the consumer. This can help to ensure that the food is picked at the peak of ripeness and is fresher when it arrives at the market or on your plate. Organic food is also typically free from synthetic preservatives, which can alter the taste and texture of food. Without these additives, organic food is more likely to taste like the natural, whole food that it is. Additionally, organic farming practices prioritize soil health, which can help to produce more flavorful and nutrient-dense crops. Organic farming often involves crop rotation and the use of cover crops, which can help to promote a diverse range of crops and reduce pest and disease pressure. Finally, organic food is subject to certain quality standards and regulations, which can help to ensure that it is of a higher quality than conventionally grown food. Overall, the focus on freshness, quality, and taste in organic farming practices can result in food that is often considered to be superior to conventionally grown food in these respects.

Organic food is free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers

There are various risks associated with the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in food production. Here are a few potential health and environmental risks:

Health risks: Some synthetic pesticides have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, neurological problems, and reproductive issues in humans. Exposure to these chemicals can occur through ingestion of contaminated food or water, or through contact with the skin or respiratory system. Additionally, some synthetic fertilizers contain high levels of heavy metals, such as cadmium and lead, which can accumulate in the body and cause long-term health effects.

Environmental risks: Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers can have negative impacts on the environment. Pesticides can harm non-target species, such as pollinators and beneficial insects, and can leach into groundwater and surface water, affecting aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, synthetic fertilizers can contribute to nutrient pollution in waterways, which can cause harmful algal blooms and other water quality issues.

Soil degradation: Overuse of synthetic fertilizers can lead to soil degradation, including a loss of soil organic matter and decreased fertility. This can make it more difficult to grow crops over time and can contribute to erosion and other soil-related issues.

Resistance and persistence: Over time, pests and weeds can develop resistance to synthetic pesticides, making them less effective. This can lead to a cycle of increased pesticide use, which can further contribute to health and environmental risks. Additionally, some synthetic pesticides can persist in the environment for long periods of time, meaning that they can continue to have negative impacts long after their initial use.

Overall, the risks associated with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers in food production highlight the importance of seeking out organic and other sustainably produced food options. By reducing our reliance on these inputs, we can help to support a more healthy and resilient food system.

Organic food is free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms, including plants and animals, that have been genetically modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering techniques. This involves altering the DNA of an organism by adding or removing specific genes, with the aim of introducing a desired trait, such as resistance to pests or herbicides, or increasing yield.

There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the safety and potential health risks of GMOs. While some studies suggest that GMOs are safe for human consumption, others have raised concerns about their potential long-term health effects. Here are some health risks associated with GMOs:

Allergic reactions: GMOs can introduce new proteins into food that may trigger allergic reactions in some people. For example, a gene from a Brazil nut was used in the development of a genetically modified soybean, which led to concerns about potential allergenicity.

Antibiotic resistance: Some genetically modified crops are designed to be resistant to certain antibiotics, which can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This can make it more difficult to treat infections in humans and animals.

Unknown effects: Some experts have expressed concern that the long-term effects of GMO consumption are not yet fully understood, and that there may be unknown risks associated with consuming genetically modified food over time.

Environmental risks: In addition to potential health risks, there are also concerns about the environmental impact of GMOs, such as the unintended spread of genetically modified organisms to other areas, and the potential impact on biodiversity.

Organic farming may be better for animal welfare

Organic farming practices prioritize animal welfare by providing animals with access to the outdoors and natural habitats, as well as a diet that is free from synthetic pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farmers also generally use fewer antibiotics and hormones than conventional farmers, which can help to reduce the risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and promote animal health.

Additionally, organic farming practices often involve higher standards for animal living conditions and treatment. For example, organic certification may require that animals have access to fresh air and sunlight, adequate space to move around, and natural living conditions. Organic farmers may also prioritize the use of non-toxic cleaning and disinfection methods, and may avoid painful procedures such as debeaking or tail docking.

Drawbacks of eating organic

Organic food can be more expensive

Organic food is often more expensive than conventionally-grown food due to a variety of factors. One reason is the higher cost of production associated with organic farming practices, which often require more manual labor and the use of more expensive organic inputs like seeds, fertilizers, and pest control methods. Additionally, organic farming typically yields lower overall production, meaning organic farmers need to charge more per unit of produce to make up for the lower yields. The certification process to be labeled as “organic” is also costly and time-consuming for farmers and food producers, and this cost is passed on to the consumer. Finally, organic food may require specialized transportation and storage conditions, which can also add to the overall cost. Despite the higher prices, many people are willing to pay more for organic food due to perceived health and environmental benefits.

Organic food may not be as widely available as conventional food

The availability of organic food is limited compared to conventional food due to several factors. Firstly, as mentioned above, the cost of production is generally higher for organic farming practices compared to conventional ones, making it harder for organic farmers to compete. This results in fewer organic farms and a smaller supply of organic food. Secondly, the demand for organic food, while growing, is still small compared to the overall food market, making it harder for organic farmers and food producers to justify the higher costs of production. Additionally, certification standards for organic food can be difficult and expensive for farmers to meet, which can discourage some from transitioning to organic practices, further limiting supply. Government subsidies often favor conventional agriculture over organic agriculture, making it harder for organic farmers to compete. Finally, the infrastructure to support organic food production and distribution is not as developed as that of conventional food, which results in fewer processing facilities and distribution networks for organic food. While these factors have limited the availability of organic food, as demand for organic food continues to grow, it is likely that more farmers and food producers will begin to offer organic options, and the infrastructure to support organic agriculture will continue to improve.

Organic farming can require more land and resources to produce the same amount of food

Organic farming can require more land and resources to produce the same amount of food as conventional farming due to several factors. One major factor is lower crop yields, which means organic farmers may need to cultivate more land to produce the same amount of food as conventional farmers. Organic farming practices also prioritize soil health and fertility, which can require more land to allow fields to rest and regenerate between growing seasons. Additionally, natural methods of pest control, such as crop rotation and companion planting, may require more land than conventional methods that rely on chemical pesticides. Organic farmers often use natural fertilizers that can be more bulky and require more land to store and apply. Finally, because organic farming practices limit the use of machinery and synthetic chemicals, they often require more manual labor, which can also require more land to support a larger workforce. While these factors can result in higher production costs and prices for consumers, they contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach to agriculture.

How to make the most of organic food

Prioritize buying organic versions of the “dirty dozen” produce items

If you want to prioritize buying organic versions of the “dirty dozen” produce items, there are a few steps you can follow. Firstly, you should familiarize yourself with the “dirty dozen” list. This is an annual list released by the Environmental Working Group that includes the 12 produce items most likely to contain high levels of pesticide residues.

The 2023 list found here includes:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale, collard & mustard greens
  4. Peaches
  5. Pears
  6. Nectarines
  7. Apples
  8. Grapes
  9. Bell & Hot Peppers
  10. Cherries
  11. Blueberries
  12. Green Beans

Once you know which produce items are on the list, you should determine which ones you eat most frequently. These are the items that you may want to prioritize buying organic versions of. When shopping for produce, look for organic options of the “dirty dozen” items, which are usually found in the organic section of the grocery store. If you can’t find organic versions, consider buying locally grown and in-season produce, which may be less likely to contain high levels of pesticide residues. Lastly, remember to wash and prepare your produce carefully, even if it’s organic. This will help to remove any potential residues and ensure that your produce is safe to eat. By prioritizing the purchase of organic versions of the “dirty dozen” produce items, you can reduce your exposure to potentially harmful pesticides, while still ensuring a healthy and varied diet.

Look for organic meat and dairy products to avoid antibiotics and hormones

To find organic meat and dairy products that are free from antibiotics and hormones, there are a few steps you can take. Firstly, look for the USDA organic label, which indicates that the product was produced without the use of antibiotics and hormones. Checking the ingredient list is also important, especially for processed meat or dairy products, to ensure that it doesn’t contain any antibiotics or hormones. If a product contains antibiotics or hormones, it can’t be labeled as organic. Additionally, consider looking for products that are grass-fed or pasture-raised, which usually indicates that the animals were raised in a more natural and humane environment. Shopping at farmers markets can also be a good way to find local and sustainable organic meat and dairy products. Lastly, look for third-party certifications, such as Certified Humane and Animal Welfare Approved, that indicate that the animals were raised in humane conditions. By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re buying organic meat and dairy products that meet strict USDA standards and are free from harmful antibiotics and hormones. Additionally, by considering animal welfare and sustainable farming practices, you can make more informed choices about the food you eat.

Consider buying in-season organic produce to save money

Purchasing in-season organic produce can help save money for various reasons. One key benefit is the reduction in transportation costs. Since in-season produce is typically grown and sold locally, it does not require long-distance transportation, reducing transportation costs that are passed onto consumers as lower prices. In-season produce is also usually more abundant, leading to lower prices as growers attempt to sell their excess crops. Additionally, in-season produce is generally of better quality, as it is fresher and hasn’t been stored for extended periods. High-quality produce lasts longer, tastes better, and provides better value for money. Retailers may offer discounts and sales on in-season produce to attract customers and reduce inventory. By buying in-season organic produce, you can take advantage of lower prices, better quality, and support local farmers while minimizing your carbon footprint. It’s essential to keep in mind that although some produce may be more costly than others, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is necessary for a healthy diet.

Shop at farmers’ markets or join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program for more affordable organic options

To shop for affordable organic options, consider visiting a farmers’ market or joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program. To start, search for local farmers’ markets or CSA programs in your area through online resources or by contacting local organizations. Farmers’ markets provide an opportunity to talk with local farmers and purchase fresh produce at reasonable prices. They may also offer discounts and special deals for regular customers. CSA programs, on the other hand, allow you to purchase a share of a local farm’s harvest in advance, providing you with a regular supply of fresh, locally grown produce throughout the season. Some farmers’ markets or CSA programs also offer volunteer opportunities in exchange for free or discounted produce. Be sure to bring cash when shopping at farmers’ markets as they often only accept cash payments. Lastly, planning your meals before shopping can help you use all the produce you purchase and reduce waste. By shopping at farmers’ markets or joining a CSA program, you can gain access to affordable, fresh, organic produce while also supporting local farmers and building community around food.

Now you can make an informed choice.

Making informed choices about eating organic is a personal decision that should be based on individual priorities and values. While organic food can offer benefits such as reduced pesticide exposure and more sustainable farming practices, it may also be more expensive than conventional food. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits and costs of eating organic and consider how they align with your own values and priorities. If supporting local farmers or reducing your exposure to pesticides is important to you, then choosing organic options may be the right choice. On the other hand, if cost or convenience is a major concern, then conventional options may still be a part of your diet. Whatever you choose, making informed choices about your food is essential for your overall health and well-being. Our hope is by considering your own values and priorities, you can make choices that feel right for you and align with your goals for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

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